
Four Reasons you should Book Tickets for ‘Kataksha’ Right Now

Horror films aren’t a staple diet for Pakistani audiences. Of the iconic horror movies you could name off the top of your head, perhaps “Zinda Laash” would require the least effort.

The New Wave seems more driven to experiment with the genre and has produced a few horror films in the last decade. It began with “Zibahkhaana” in 2007. Imran Raza Kazmi then came out with “Siyaah” in 2013 which was followed by flicks like “Maaya”, “Hotal”, and “Pari”. However, Kataksha offer something very different from all these films and It deserves your attention. Let us tell you why.

1. The Katas Raj Temples

The Katas Raj Temples are an often overlooked piece of history in Pakistan. They reside near the Kallar Kahaar lake off the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway and represent a lot of history and myth. Kataksha is the lake that lies at the foot of the Temples. And so the film incorporates the historical site in to its story.

2. The Depth of the Story

It’s a rarity that a horror film with so much depth to its story ever hits the screens anywhere in the world. That’s why the ones with actual depth become classics like “The Exorcist” and “Hereditary”. Kataksha offers such depth and complexity. According to Saleem Meiraj, writer-director Abu Aleeha has done a masterful job writing the characters and the overall plot. It deserves to be seen for that reason.

3. Saleem Meiraj and Mubeen Gabol

You really shouldn’t need any more reasons to go watch a film. Mubeen Gabol’s fantastic acting chops and comedic timing as Matkoo and as a doppelganger of Shahrukh Khan in the Four Man Show and its spin-offs beyond have shown that he can deliver again and again.

Saleem Meiraj is riding the high of many negative roles right now, a streak that reached its zenith with “Laal Kabootar” this year. His performance was incredibly subtle and created an atmosphere of dread rarely seen in Pakistani cinema. Pure craft at it’s best.

4. Horror Films are a Rarity in Pakistan

Horror films are such a rarity in Pakistan that you should grab every single opportunity to watch one. Kataksha is especially rare because of the reasons outlined above. Pakistan gets so many comedies and romances and patriotic films all around the year and each of those genres has had a hit, but no horror film has really made its mark. Different genres should be supported in this country, just because there should be an exploration of more topics in cinema.

“Kataksha” comes out on the 21st of June which is this Friday. So book your tickets right now and get ready for a wild ride.

Written by Yousuf Mehmood

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