Yumna Zaidi’s debut feature film ‘Nayab’ finally has a full-fledged trailer. It focuses on the aspiring cricketer “Nayab”, who is trying to secure a spot in Pakistan’s National Women’s Cricket Team. Also present are her brother and trainer; played by Mohammad Fawad Khan, and her father; played by Javed Sheikh who wants her to give up her foolish dream. Also starring in the film are Mohammad Ehteshamuddin, Huma Nawab and Adnan Siddiqui.
Nayab offers a very different film to the masses than we’re used to. Its exuberant tone would normally be reserved for an Eid release, but thankfully it’s coming out in January of next year. It’s well shot, well lit, and has good enough production values to attract audiences who want something of quality to show their families. Also, it’s a family film with a great message, “let your daughters dream”.
Films about women cricketers and athletes in general have been made before. Right across the border, in India, Taapsee Pannu starred in “Shaabash Mithu”, about India’s legendary women’s cricket captain Mithali Dorai Raj. Anushka Sharma is also producing and starring in a film called “Chakda Xpress” about Jhulan Goswami, one of the greatest women bowlers in the game.
However, “Nayab” isn’t based on any one cricketer from Pakistan. Her story will likely be inspired by several girls’ struggles to make it in the game in what is still a very conservative society. There is also a subplot about the current waves of migration occurring to other countries from Pakistan and how much that promise of a good success is actually worth.
Nayab will hit theaters on the 24th of January, 2024.