Local cinemas have been brought back to life after their long slumber in Ramazan. As expected, the first day of Eid brought in major revenue with Wajahat Rauf’s “Chhalaawa” and Yasir Nawaz’s “Wrong No. 2” leading the charge.
“Chhalaawa” managed to rake in 1.5 crore while “Wrong No. 2” took in 1.6 crore. Both films are expected to pick up on the second day as more audiences clamour towards cinemas after the Eid festivities have subsided.
International Box Office Returns
Owing to the fact that Eid occurred one day earlier in the UAE than in Pakistan, Chhalaawa and Wrong No. 2 took in a good haul in two days.
“Chhalaawa” managed to mint 18.77 lacs while “Wrong No. 2” made 23.78 lacs in total.
Figure Courtesy : Entertainment Pakistan (epk)
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