The teaser was launched last year and generated excitement for the first Balochi film in years. Since 1976, no feature-length Balochi film has made it to theaters. However, “Doda” might break that curse.
It centers on a young man who dreams of becoming the world boxing champ. He’s seen running on the beach, boxing at a local run-down gym and dancing with his friends in the streets.
The film, much like “Shah”, focuses on an underdog narrative, albeit this one is fictional. Director Adil Bizanjo said he shot the feature in Lyari and at the Gadani shipping yard. The film’s story also hits close to home for many Balochis since their community has produced some of the best boxers from Pakistan. Lyari, especially, has produced boxing heavyweights that have brought home gold medals.
The film has been shot in Balochi, though it seems it will also be released in theaters in Urdu.
Go watch the trailer for yourself. “Doda” comes out on 10th of April, 2020.